Tomasz Kwieciński

Tomasz Kwieciński

I am a transpersonal therapist, a therapist in training, an accredited coach and trainer.

The topics I help with include:

  • Altered states of consciousness
  • Integration of psychedelic experiences
  • Transgenerational processes
  • Religious trauma
  • Spiritual crises

As a coach, I specialize in learning holistic marketing and business coaching.

In 2015, I completed the Grof Transpersonal Training as the first person in Poland and founded the Holotropic Poland project. In 2019, I was accepted into the GTT Staff - a group of the most experienced facilitators involved in training new facilitators. I am currently in a 4-year behavioral therapy school, I have also completed a one-year transgenerational therapy school named after Anna Schutzenberger. I completed the "Ketamine and Trauma Treatment" course and work with a ketamine clinic in Warsaw and also work at the Psychoactive Clinic, integrating psychedelic experiences there, as well as serving as a consultant for the Polish Psychedelic Society.

I am the author of the book "Follow the Call. Therapeutic experiences in expanded states of consciousness" and the podcast "Psychedelic therapy".

Alongside my therapeutic path, I have also developed in coaching - I graduated from the School of Coaches in Wrocław and also completed specialized training at the Institute of Change Leaders (business coaching, career coaching, team coaching). In 2015, I was accredited by "Izba Coachingu".

In both therapeutic and personal development work, I try to combine subtle ideas and advanced concepts with practical tools and a scientific foundation.

Accompanying many people in altered states of consciousness, I have understood how important a supportive, non-judgmental relationship is and in any kind of work, I primarily aim to meet someone where they are, respecting both their resources and sensitive points.